One of the most intelligent ways you can protect as well as enhance the look of your home or business is with Bahama Shutters. These innovative and strategic shutters are light years ahead of the hinge-mounted shutters that used to protect windows. Bahama Shutters are louvered slats that affix firmly to the structure of a building to protect the window. They are able to subdue the sun’s harsh effects in summer by cooling the interior of your home or business. During the winter, you can count on the same great savings on your energy bill when your windows are protected by shutters or an awning.
Besides adding an architectural and decorative look to your home, Bahama Shutters are the ultimate in protection. They can be made to resist high impact winds while helping block objects being hurled through the air during high winds. Since a loss of your windows can lead to the loss of your roof or further damage to the structure of your home or building, Bahama Shutters are a good choice for powerful protection.
Our extruded aluminum shutters are corrosion resistant and can be powder coated in custom colors to add flair. They are closable, lockable and have adjustable shade settings to maximize privacy and energy efficiency. Bahama Shutters are a great way to protect your investment and your family or business from the sun’s harsh rays, the cold of winter and from catastrophic hurricanes and storms.
View our gallery for inspiration on the many sizes, colors and uses for Bahama Shutters.
I need an estimate for 6 shutters 10′ wide and 2′ high.
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